


A filter backend that uses django-filter. Supported actions and methods:


Methods: GET, POST

Supported fields for creation:

  • namestring
  • project – link to /api/projects/<uuid>/
  • customerlink to /api/customers/<uuid>/
  • settingslink to /api/service-settings/<uuid>/
  • token – string (JIRA project key (e.g. ‘GM’))
  • available_for_all – boolean (Service will be automatically added to all customers projects if it is available for all)
  • scope – link to any: /api/oracle-deployments/<uuid>/, /api/openstack-instances/<uuid>/, /api/openstack-tenants/<uuid>/, /api/openstack-volumes/<uuid>/, /api/openstack-snapshots/<uuid>/, /api/openstack-dr-backups/<uuid>/, /api/openstacktenant-volumes/<uuid>/, /api/openstacktenant-snapshots/<uuid>/, /api/openstacktenant-instances/<uuid>/, /api/openstacktenant-backups/<uuid>/, /api/jira-projects/<uuid>/ (VM that contains service)

Filter fields:

  • ?customer = UUIDFilter
  • ?name = string
  • ?settings = link
  • ?project_uuid = UUIDFilter
  • ?project = link
  • ?tag = ModelMultipleChoiceField
  • ?rtag = ModelMultipleChoiceField
  • ?shared = boolean
  • ?type = ServiceTypeFilter

To list all services without regard to its type, run GET against /api/services/ as an authenticated user.

To list services of specific type issue GET to specific endpoint from a list above as a customer owner. Individual endpoint used for every service type.

To create a service, issue a POST to specific endpoint from a list above as a customer owner. Individual endpoint used for every service type.

You can create service based on shared service settings. Example:

POST /api/digitalocean/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "name": "Common DigitalOcean",
    "customer": "",
    "settings": ""

Or provide your own credentials. Example:

POST /api/oracle/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "name": "My Oracle",
    "customer": "",
    "backend_url": "",
    "username": "admin",
    "password": "secret"



Supported fields for update:

  • namestring
  • available_for_all – boolean (Service will be automatically added to all customers projects if it is available for all)


Methods: GET, POST

To get a list of resources available for import, run GET against /<service_endpoint>/link/ as an authenticated user. Optionally project_uuid parameter can be supplied for services requiring it like OpenStack.

To import (link with NodeConductor) resource issue POST against the same endpoint with resource id.

POST /api/openstack/08039f01c9794efc912f1689f4530cf0/link/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "backend_id": "bd5ec24d-9164-440b-a9f2-1b3c807c5df3",
    "project": ""


Methods: GET


Methods: POST

Unlink all related resources, service project link and service itself.


A filter backend that uses django-filter. Supported actions and methods:


Methods: GET

Filter fields:

  • ?name = string


Methods: GET


SLA filter

Allows to filter or sort resources by actual_sla Default period is current year and month.

Example query parameters for filtering list of OpenStack instances:


Example query parameters for sorting list of OpenStack instances:


Monitoring filter

Filter and order resources by monitoring item. For example, given query dictionary

    'monitoring__installation_state': True

it produces following query

    'monitoring_item__name': 'installation_state',
    'monitoring_item__value': True

Example query parameters for sorting list of OpenStack instances:


Tags ordering. Filtering for complex tags.

?tag__license-os=centos7 - will filter objects with tag “license-os:centos7”.
Allow to define next parameters in view:
  • tags_filter_db_field - name of tags field in database. Default: tags.
  • tags_filter_request_field - name of tags in request. Default: tag.

In PostgreSQL NULL values come last with ascending sort order. In MySQL NULL values come first with ascending sort order. This filter provides unified sorting for both databases. Supported actions and methods:


Methods: GET, POST

Supported fields for creation:

  • namestring
  • description – string
  • service_project_linklink to /api/oracle-service-project-link/<pk>/
  • tenantlink to /api/openstack-tenants/<uuid>/
  • flavorlink to /api/oracle-flavors/<uuid>/
  • ssh_public_key – link to /api/keys/<uuid>/
  • db_name – string
  • db_sizeinteger (Data storage size in GB)
  • db_arch_size – integer (Archive storage size in GB)
  • db_typechoice('No database', 'RAC', 'Single Instance', 'Single Instance/ASM')
  • db_version – choice('', '')
  • db_template – choice('Data Warehouse', 'General Purpose')
  • db_charset – choice('AL32UTF8 - Unicode UTF-8 Universal Character Set', 'AR8ISO8859P6 - ISO 8859-6 Latin/Arabic', 'AR8MSWIN1256 - MS Windows Code Page 1256 8-Bit Latin/Arabic', 'Other - please specify in Addtional Data field.')
  • user_data – string

Filter fields:

  • ?customer_native_name = string
  • ?service_settings_name = string
  • ?service_name = string
  • ?customer_uuid = UUIDFilter
  • ?customer_abbreviation = string
  • ?tag = ModelMultipleChoiceField
  • ?customer_name = string
  • ?uuid = UUIDFilter
  • ?project_group = UUIDFilter
  • ?state = choice('Creating', 'Creation Scheduled', 'Deleting', 'Deletion Scheduled', 'Erred', 'OK', 'Update Scheduled', 'Updating')
  • ?rtag = ModelMultipleChoiceField
  • ?project_name = string
  • ?description = string
  • ?service_uuid = UUIDFilter
  • ?service_settings_uuid = UUIDFilter
  • ?db_name = string
  • ?customer = UUIDFilter
  • ?name = string
  • ?project_uuid = UUIDFilter
  • ?project = UUIDFilter
  • ?project_group_uuid = UUIDFilter
  • ?project_group_name = string

Order fields: state

Request for DB Instance deletion or confirm deletion success. A proper action will be taken depending on the current deployment state.



Supported fields for update:

  • namestring
  • description – string

Optional field query parameter (can be list) allows to limit what fields are returned. For example, given request /api/openstack-instances/<uuid>/?field=uuid&field=name you get response like this:

    "uuid": "90bcfe38b0124c9bbdadd617b5d739f5",
    "name": "Azure Virtual Machine"

Request for DB Instance deletion or confirm deletion success. A proper action will be taken depending on the current deployment state.


Methods: POST

Complete provisioning. Example:

POST /api/oracle-deployments/a04a26e46def4724a0841abcb81926ac/provision/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "report": "ORACONF=TST12DB




Methods: POST

Request for DB Instance resize. Example:

POST /api/oracle-deployments/a04a26e46def4724a0841abcb81926ac/resize/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "flavor": ""

To confirm resize completion, issue an empty POST request to the same endpoint.


Methods: POST

Request for DB Instance restarting or confirm restarting success. A proper action will be taken depending on the current deployment state.


Methods: POST

Request for DB Instance starting or confirm starting success. A proper action will be taken depending on the current deployment state.


Methods: POST

Request for DB Instance stopping or confirm stopping success. A proper action will be taken depending on the current deployment state.


Methods: POST

File custom support request.

POST /api/oracle-deployments/a04a26e46def4724a0841abcb81926ac/support/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "message": "Could you make that DB running faster?


Methods: POST


Methods: POST

Update provisioning report. Example:

POST /api/oracle-deployments/a04a26e46def4724a0841abcb81926ac/update_report/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "report": "ORACONF=TST12DB

